Adult Psychotherapy

Adult Psychotherapy

Having a safe space to share what's on your mind

Insights Psychology Services focuses on working with adults who are: 

  • Relatively well-adjusted, but struggles with managing common mental health issues such as anxiety and depressive disorders

  • Autistic individuals or those diagnosed with "high-functioning autism", "Level-1 ASD / Autism", and those who also have a co-occuring mood or anxiety concern.

  • ADHD-ers, both men and women who have difficulties with planning, organising, completing work or other tasks

  • Going through life transitions including a major life event, grief, leaving home or changing jobs

Psychological assessments are also used where appropriate to assist a client in understanding themselves better, to assist in their work accommodations, to inform a evidence-based treatment plan, and to support referral for tertiary care. 

If you are interested in a psychological assessment, please contact Ms Amy for further information.

Having a safe space to share what's on your mind

Insights Psychology Services focuses on working with adults who are: 

  • Relatively well-adjusted, but struggles with managing common mental health issues such as anxiety and depressive disorders

  • Autistic individuals or those diagnosed with "high-functioning autism", "Level-1 ASD / Autism", and those who also have a co-occuring mood or anxiety concern.

  • ADHD-ers, both men and women who have difficulties with planning, organising, completing work or other tasks

  • Going through life transitions including a major life event, grief, leaving home or changing jobs

Psychological assessments are also used where appropriate to assist a client in understanding themselves better, to assist in their work accommodations, to inform a evidence-based treatment plan, and to support referral for tertiary care. 

If you are interested in a psychological assessment, please contact Ms Amy for further information.